SSSI Mission Statement

The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction’s (hereafter, SSSI) mission is to promote the study of the myriad relationships between individuals and societies through scholarship known as symbolic interactionism. Accordingly, the SSSI functions as an international community of scholars to facilitate the open, free, and fruitful exchange of ideas, criticisms, discussions, and developments pertaining to relevant theoretical, empirical and substantive issues. The SSSI provides a collaborative, supportive, and respectful environment that accepts and values differences among people, including but not limited to those based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, and sexual orientation. It also seeks to identify, challenge, and remove barriers to inclusion. The SSSI is committed to the development of young scholars and offers mentoring, workshops, and financial support for travel. The SSSI provides multiple modes of engagement to support members’ growth through collaborative opportunities. These modes include: a professional academic journal, Symbolic Interaction; regular meetings and occasional workshops where members may present and discuss academic research; a quarterly newsletter, SSSI Notes, and a website,