Symbolic Interaction is the journal published by SSSI in association with Wiley-Blackwell.  Current information about the journal, its mission and contents can be found at

The journal welcomes submissions from all scholars working, empirically or theoretically, within the broad tradition of social science inspired by American pragmatism and its European counterparts, as well as those wishing to engage in debates with that tradition. Recent papers have come from Germany, Israel, Poland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Sweden, as well as the traditional sources in the US and Canada.  Authors are encouraged to provide video abstracts, which have been very popular with readers.  The editors have also worked closely with Wiley-Blackwell to promote papers with more general interest: Kidder and Martin’s paper on US understandings of tax and Kim’s paper on how to avoid having someone sit next you on a Greyhound bus both attracted wide media coverage.  For those of you who want to publish on an Open Access basis, a Gold OA option is available.


All new submissions must be made online through our ScholarOne Manuscripts site:

Please read the Author's Guidelines here: